Monthly Archives: April 2013

Does the Weather Dictate our Moods?

I was psyched by the warm weather week before last here in New Jersey. Dusted off the garden tools, pulled out my walking shoes and thought of what I was going to do with my summer. Then the temperature started to drop. Today I put on my denim jacket with the flannel lining and actually I needed a sweater. It was windy and cold. We’ve turned the heat off and I’m looking at the fireplace and seriously considering starting a fire. I don’t want to go to the park and leaving the pool will be like it is in the fall. I could just stay in bed with the covers pulled up. What do you think? Is it chilly where you are?

Mental Games

I felt almost comfortable swimming today. Fifty yards (2 laps), rest, fifty more rest etc. If I push to seventy-five yards, that insane chatter comes back. Not enough breath, too tired, where the heck is the end of the pool?  I’ve tried singing like Tony suggested but somewhere along the way I get distracted. I wonder what people concentrate on when they are swimming long distances. Crossing the English Channel, participating in the seven-day  120 mile  8 Bridges swim in the Hudson River! Wow. Any long distance swimmers out there let me know

Thursdays Swim Plan

So I have stopped fighting. Yesterday and today I began swimming a lap counting to twenty and doing a return lap I am up to twenty-two laps. Still not non-stop but I think that it’s progress.  Next week I will try to do fifty yds. (two laps) and then rest and return. If I work my way up I should be able to do the half mile in a month or so. That’s the plan for today.

Cherry Blossoms – Newark, New Jersey Style

The City of Newark, New Jersey takes a lot of hits for its crime rate and riots that took place nearly fifty years ago. It bears the brunt of comedians jokes and the disrespect of people who have never visited. Well I have lived here for thirty-six years and today I would like to tell you about a very positive aspect of the City. Cherry Blossom Trees! Branch Brook Park which runs through much of the City’s North Ward and through a section of Belleville is the home of a larger collection of Cherry Blossom Tress than the nation’s capitol. In April of 2012 the number of trees in the park was 2,700. There may be more now, the county is always planting new trees to replace lost trees and supplement where possible. In additions there are Cherry Blossom trees in other parts of the City adorning the urban landscape.

The Cherry Blossom festival brings thousands to our park with their cameras and oil paints. The elderly, the young and all in between. Today I drove my Mom and a friend to the park to enjoy. It was a nice day. Enjoy my pictures.

Cherry Blossoms 2013 002

Cherry Blossoms 2013 004

Cherry Blossoms 2013 029

Cherry Blossoms 2013 037





Garden Beginnings

If you are new to my blog you may not know about my garden. I love my garden and the best thing is that we eat from it all summer. I haven’t mastered the layout process and no matter how hard I try, I lose control of some part of it every year. I have so many tomato vines I can’t see the tomatoes. I will try again to prevent that from happening. Anyway, this year I am planting the peas early since they practically fry if they are planted to late in the season. I bought a blueberry bush and I am going to try to protect the berries from the squirrels and birds. That may be difficult but I will net the shrub to start and see how that works. We will be using the composte we made all winter this year and I am excited. I will keep you informed.

Bed 1

Bed 1

Bed 2

Bed 2

Bed 3

Bed 3



Nothing But Boston Tonight

There is nothing fitting to write about tonight. We are all devastated by the events in Boston this afternoon. As someone preparing for a triathlon, seeing the horror that took place truly saddens me. We assume that an event like this is going to be a joyous occasion for the athletes and those there to support them. While we have been made aware of the potential dangers since 9/11 if not since Oklahoma City, we are still terror neophytes. I can’t put into words the sorrow I feel for those killed (including an 8-year-old boy we are now told) and severely injured. I have spoken to my college roommate three times today. She lost her fiancée in the World Trade Center and I knew she would be freaked out when she heard about Boston. Not to mention that her brother and his family live in Boston (they are fine). The world that I grew up in is gone forever. I am so sorry for those coming behind my generation. There is nothing more to say.

“Live Life Active”

Weight Watchers is beginning a six week initiative called “Live Life Active” and since activity and Weight Watchers are so important to my current lifestyle I should get in the groove immediately. So let me tell you a little secret. I am not feeling the level of activity I need to be involved in now. My knee has really been hurting and I pushed last week.  Today I don’t feel that I am going to be at my best and I am traveling on Tuesday.  So I figured if I put it here I may be able to muster the energy I need. I think I’ll walk tomorrow after school but I won’t push. It’s a start.

Triwomen Talked Me Down

Tonight I attended a meeting of Triwomen to discuss a training schedule for our upcoming events. I am only concentrating on the Athleta Iron Girl Triathlon in September. I felt a little better after hearing what type of training I should be doing. I am still freaked out about the bike part of the whole thing and fear bike accidents. I will have to get over that but at least I have a plan. I have about two months until I have to start the serious training plans and I am going to use it to get to the baseline I need in each event. Stay tuned.

Weighty Issues

Samoan Airlines is going to be charging customers airfare based on weight.  I have seen figures from 78% to 93% as the rate of obesity in Samoa and from 70% to 80% in the United States. Suffice it to say that obesity is a problem in the world. The idea that we may be charged for our obesity when we fly is a sobering situation.

I have spent most of my adulthood being and/or fighting obesity so I know that it’s a touchy subject. I am still fighting the battle as we speak. I can just picture getting to the airport in time to get on the scale before boarding my flight. What?

On the other hand I can see the dilemma that the airlines face and every pound matters. Particularly for airlines that fly small planes. I have been told that some airlines ask people their weight and speculate that the passengers probably lie. Scary when too much weight may affect the flight.

Do you think this is fair? I’m not sure how I feel.