Monthly Archives: July 2011

Enjoy Today

It’s Sunday and for years I allowed myself to spoil Sunday by spending more than have of it dreading Monday. Well that’s in the past for me and now when I have to leave the house on Monday morning, it’s to do something I like. My current thinking is that even if you don’t like what you do on Monday, don’t spoil your Sunday. If you are fortunate enough not to have to work on Sunday then I suggest that you use in a way that you love. If you attend Church go, if it’s your fishing day, fish. One thing is for sure, whether you enjoy it Monday will follow. Most of us will survive it, like it or not. So don’t sweat the small stuff. Happy Sunday.

It’s Friday – I’m Still Here

I am afraid I don’t have anything inspirational to say today. Not feeling particularly well. I do feel however that I should say something here every day. Today I am just putting one foot in front of the other, hopeful that tomorrow will be a better day. Don’t get me wrong I am happy every day I can navigate on my own knowing how precious that is. I don’t take it for granted. Even when I’m not particularly chipper, I’m grateful. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

I Stepped Out of the Boat This Morning

My pastor is a traditional preacher and last Sunday her sermon was entitled “Step out of the Boat” This is a biblical reference to Christ telling Peter to step out of the boat and walk on the water. I would characterize this as a lesson about faith.

So after my 95 year old mother slapped me the gauntlet so to speak and asked why I drove into the park instead of walking in, I decided to step out of the boat and try it. I could tell you all the reasons in my head for not walking the additional 3/4 of a mile to where I normally walk but the bottom line is that I was afraid that I couldn’t do it. Well today I proved myself wrong. Actually I walk further most days than I did today but I walk on a relatively flat oval which is a little over a half mile in distance and I cover a bit over 3 miles. Today I walked into the park and down one side of the track that the locals call the red carpet. I covered 2.82 miles which included some inclines that were very challenging for me. What a sense of accomplishment I felt when I arrived back at my house.  Maybe you can try it soon. Step out of the Boat!

For the Feeling…..

So today I want to talk about my friend Judyie. We have always known each other. Our Moms met when they were sixteen and remained friend/sisters until Judyie’s mom Lillian died just short of her 94th birthday (77 years).  So she is indeed my oldest friend/sister. She can tell you her story better than I can and she intends to do just that. Today I am asking that you visit her blog here on wordpress entitled For the Feeling and if you like what you read consider visiting her page on Kick Starter and donate to her indie publishing goal. Read for yourself and enjoy.

Sometimes You Just Need to Scream

My last Tuesday night Zumba class until September. I’m going to miss it. Tonight when we got to the song where everyone runs from one end of the room to the other and screams I wondered if the scream meant anything to anyone else.  I look forward to it every week. A chance to let out what ever is driving you crazy. Everybody should have a scream time. Maybe when you are alone in the house. Playing with the kids or grand kids in the park. Your favorite exercise class. Try it you might feel better. Oh! Just one thing, the office is probably not the place.


When companies that run heavy equipment change direction they are said to re-fit or re-tool their operations. This process means that they get rid of old obsolete equipment and replace it with new or more useful stuff.

Today’s thought is that we need to sit back periodically and do the same thing. If the ‘stinkin thinkin’ isn’t  working change it. This may not be easy but it’s probably necessary. It’s hard to move forward if we are only thinking about the past. What’s done is done. Leave it where it fell and pick up today. What have you got to lose except a bad attitude?

One for the Planet

Can we do something for the planet today? Can’t help but noticing that a good part of the U.S. is suffering a heat wave of epic proportions. Not trying to scare you but shouldn’t we  be scared? Mother Nature is trying to get our attention and as usual we are ignoring her. So what can we all do. Well yesterday in the 100 degree plus my husband turned off our air conditioners and turned on the fans. We kept the place shaded and  guess what? We’re still here. Perhaps if we do the little things the big things will follow. Would love to hear from you about this. I am open to suggestions.

108 Degrees – Quiet is the Idea

When I woke up this morning I thought about all the things that I “should” do today. Hmn, they all involved spending money and none were essential to life. So as unusual as it is for me to stay in all day, there is nothing that I have to do in 100 degree plus weather.  Guess I’ll get some knitting done. Maybe listen to some music. Being still is okay today. Try it, your muse might be waiting to surface!

Lessons from the Williams Sisters

I love tennis. Took lessons until my knees refused to make lateral movements. Like many I was pleased when the Williams sisters broke on to the professional circuit. Like many sports women have had episodic notoriety and these two young women made people  take notice. Certainly as young African-American girls, they  showed other that looked like them that tennis was a possibility no matter where you grow up. They made fashion statements (not always met with approval) and proved their father right on more than one occasion. They have dominated the sport for years and will certain be known for some firsts. As their father predicted, his girls have met more than one time in major tournament finals.  But that is not what I learned from them.

When they lose they move on. Okay so Serena has had a few tantrums but in general when they lose they handle it with dignity and just move forward. That’s the first lesson. The second is that both ladies have diversified into other areas. They know that they won’t be playing tennis forever. Clothing lines, accessories lines , product development all there for the time when tennis becomes something they do just to keep fit. My compliment to their parents, church and community for helping them be so grounded. Serena likes doing nails and has enrolled in a school to get the cosmetology certification to work in a salon. The point is they have other interests and they pursue them. Does money and fame help?  Sure. That doesn’t mean that you can’t do the same.

Operate heavy equipment for a living but would rather bake, why the heck not? What do you think?

We Have A New Name

Blog to the Future will now be known as First Steps the Hardest. Same author, same content.