Monthly Archives: June 2012

I Will Conquer the Pool!!!

For the first time in about a year I went to the pool today. I found out last night that the roof has been rolled back for the summer and the heater is turned off or way down (I’m not sure which) and the water is chilly to say the least. All night I was thinking about cold water. So this morning I got up put on the new (and smaller) bathing suit on and headed to the pool. Well the water was chilly but the sun was out and the sky was clear and it was fantastic. So I went to meet the Masters Swim Team to see what they are doing. They are practicing daily and they can all swim well. So here I am. Comfortable in the water but without any competitive stroke. In the past I have attempted to learn the free style stroke without success. I become easily discouraged and give up. So today I decided that this summer I am going to learn the free style stroke no ifs, ands, or buts as they say. I have to develop the right mindset and if any of you have suggestions let me know.

I Love Roses Don’t You?

These roses are from the same plant. They lived next to other roses which might explain the different colors. Enjoy a bit of my yard. I love it!

You’re Complaining About What?

Aimee Copeland came outside today for the first time since losing her left leg, right foot, both hands and part of her torso to Necrotizing Fasciitis know as the flesh-eating disease. This girl is a 24-year-old graduate student. Her dad said that soon after she was told of the amputations she wanted to know about prosthetics. She vows to walk down the aisle next year to receive her Masters degree.

Now I had to say to myself that every time a little something goes wrong, I need to remember Aimee Copeland and try to figure out how to deal with whatever. I know that some of you have devastating issues that you are dealing with and I don’t mean to make light of them but I think most of us as a dear friend once told me “Make Big Ones Out of Little Ones”

For today I am saying to myself suck it up and keep it moving. Have faith, you can handle it.

Happy Tuesday!

I Love the Summer Olympics

I am as watching the Olympic trials on TV. I love this stuff. Not much for the winter sports but love the summer. I am excited by the strength and effort put forth by these young people. They are my inspiration. Okay I sure can’t do what they do but I can sure do my best. No excuses. Nike had it right “Just Do It”!!!

Are You Going to Jump or What?

I have vivid memories of jumping double dutch when I was a kid. My friends would turn the rope and I would do that step one does when getting ready to jump in but I wouldn’t (jump that is). After a few seconds the people turning the rope would say are you going to jump or what? Well here I am at 60 and sadly I’m still hearing “are you going to jump or what?” It kind of the way I’ve lived my life. Now that I blog I follow lots of young people and admire the guts that they have. More than one telling the world that they gave up a “good” job or left an industry they were trained to work in to follow their passion. Guess what? they jumped and so far it seems to be working out okay. For sure they may not be rich yet but they’re happy. A lot can be said for being happy.

So I’m making a commitment at this late date to jump when I get the opportunity. No more hesitation, taking the time to talk myself out of something I really want to do. Care to join me anyone? Are you going to jump or what?

Fireflies in the Yard

I have always been afraid of bugs. As a kid I hated picnics and other outdoor activities because of it. There was one exception and that was lightning bugs or fireflies  as some call them. I guess because everyone wanted to catch them in a jar, I controlled my fears to join in the fun. I still try to avoid flying creepies but I am always happy to see the fireflies. They signify summer and remind me of a time when the most I had to do was catch them and let them go.  I remember years when I didn’t see them but right now my yard is full! When I went to water the veggie garden tonight I couldn’t believe how many were flying around. Happy summer!

Should We Boomers Be Letting Go?

Sue Simmons, NBC ikon is finished. I haven’t followed closely but apparently the station didn’t renew her contract. The speculation is that they didn’t want a woman who is nearly 70 anchoring the news. Not sure what Sue is saying. Anyway as a “baby boomer” who will be sixty-one in the fall if I’m blessed to live, I don’t think my productive years are passed. I certainly don’t want to be moved out just because of age (don’t we have laws about that?)

I do however see the virtue of moving out of one job and allowing someone younger to take the space. I know that it is a controversial statement but I believe it. I spent many years doing what I was trained to do. Really I hated the last fifteen years of my career but I was afraid to leave it. I stayed too long. I firmly believe that it was time for a new, fresh and yes perhaps younger perspective. That doesn’t mean that I’m done. I am on career number two and I hope I know when to give this one up too. There is still so much I want to do that doesn’t involve “working” that I think I can be happy letting someone else do the work. Lol!

Reunion Weekend

I attended my college reunion this weekend. It wasn’t  a major one for me it was my 39th but some of my friends were celebrating their 40th. It was great fun. In a time where there are so many negative things happening it’s nice to have a good positive weekend of just fun stuff.

Not bad for a group of baby boomers! Older girls rock! I’m the one in the middle. 60 and proud!

Can You Clean Fish?

One of our friends went fishing this past weekend and offered us some fresh fish. I intended to scale and clean the fish this afternoon between church services but when I got home the fish were cleaned and ready to cook. I asked my 96-year-old Mom who cleaned the fish and she said proudly I did. It was the first time she had attempted this. My Dad who died 35 years ago was a fisherman and he had always done it. Anyway she said it was harder than she thought and the scales went everywhere. I said Mom you did scale the fish under water didn’t you? She said no I didn’t know I should. There are fish scales EVERYWHERE!!! Moms gotta love um!